Health and Safety information for bookings

Health & Safety

All outdoor activities involve an element of risk, therefore, for your own and other people’s safety and enjoyment please follow our few simple rules whilst taking part in our courses and activities

  • Buoyancy aids — we will provide a CE Approved buoyancy aid, which must be worn, correctly fastened, at all times on the outside of any other clothing during activities on or immediately next to water.
  • Clothing — wear sensible clothing (jeans are not appropriate) and bring a change of clothes and footwear, and a towel. If it is windy or cold then a hat and warm jacket or fleece is advisable. If it is sunny bring a hat and sun cream. If it’s likely to be wet, bring a waterproof outer layer.
  • Footwear — always wear correctly fastened footwear appropriate for the activity e.g. flat soled training shoes or plimsolls, not Wellingtons or flipflops. NB: bring a spare pair of shoes for after the activity.
  • Medication — on arrival inform your instructor if you are undergoing medical treat­ment.
  • Cuts/wounds — always cover cuts and wounds before going out on the water or on the marsh.
  • Communication — If you are cold, uncomfortable, injured or if equipment is damaged or faulty please inform your instructor immediately. Always listen carefully to any instructions given by your instructor or any member of staff.
  • Accidents and incidents — including near misses, must be reported immediately to your instructor. Inform your instructor before you launch or return to shore.
  • Capsize — In the event of capsize, stay with your craft and wait for assistance.
  • Toilets and showers — always inform your instructor before leaving the activity area. Young people should go with a friend rather than alone.
  • Eating/drinking — is not normally permitted on the water. Always clean your hands before consuming food and drink. If the weather is hot, bring a cold drink, or a hot drink if it’s cold. The centre does not provide food. Please bring your own.
  • Smoking — we operate a no smoking policy.
  • Alcohol is not permitted. — Staff will refuse you access to the centre if they suspect that you are under the influence of alcohol.
  • Personal possessions and valuablesdo not leave your personal possessions in the changing rooms. Valuables should be left at home, or locked in your car out of sight; but they may be handed into Reception at your own risk.
  • Behaviour — for your own safety and the safety of others please act responsibly at all times. Always be aware of your environment and put safety first.
  • For your safety your instructor will inform you of any particular hazards currently on our site.

Evidence of Identification (PB2, SRC, etc)

For certain courses (e.g. Powerboat Level 2 and above, Short Range (VHF) Radio) the pass certificate is a photocard. Students on these courses MUST BRING:

  1. A passport-standard photograph (see on plain or photo paper;
  2. Evidence of identity, age, and address, e.g. driver’s licence, passport, etc.

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