Privacy Policy

Privacy Statements

  1. BTAC may store this form, and your details, either as paper and/or electronically, recording that you have booked an activity, and your agreement to our conditions etc, for a minimum of five years. If you are under 21, this form may be stored for a minimum of five years or beyond the year of your 21st birthday, whichever is the longer.
  2. If you gain an award, BTAC will record that fact, together with your name, address etc for an indefinite period. In some cases, this information will be shared with the Royal Yachting Association and other certificate awarding bodies.
  3. If you have paid for the activity, that fact will be recorded in our accounts, which are stored for at least as long as is necessary for tax and other purposes. Details of your credit/debit card etc are not recorded at all by us, although they may be held by our card payment processing companies (e.g. Worldpay, Paypal).
  4. If you are involved in an accident, or require medical treatment, the medical details you provide on this form will be shared with first aiders and other medical staff.
  5. Other than as above, BTAC will not share your data with anyone unless legally obliged to.


We hold only that data which is or has been necessary for the running of the Centre.
We do not supply any data to third parties, other than
a) The RYA and other certificating bodies
b) Worldpay, PayPal and any other financial transaction bodies we may use (see below)
c) HSE, RYA, AALS and other inspecting bodies.

What Data do we have on you?

First there is your identity and account data for any financial transactions with us (course bookings, camping, etc). This would include your name, postal address, email address, telephone number if you let us have it, and details of what you booked/purchased. This information is held on paper or electronically in our accounts records, and in summary form (name, purchase, amount paid) in our computerised accounts. The content of any correspondence including emails may be held indefinitely.

We do NOT store information about your credit or debit cards (other than the last 4 digits which are printed on our receipts). That information may be stored by Wordpay or any other card processing company we may use in future. If you paid by PayPal then details of your PayPal payment are stored in our accounts files in the statements sent to us by PayPal.

Our accounts files are held for a minimum of 7 years for tax purposes, and may be held indefinitely.

We do not use your identity information for marketing purposes, neither do we share it with anyone else who we believe may use it for marketing purposes.

Secondly, if you purchased a course from us, then we may record your identity (name, address, etc, and, if a child, date of birth), the date you did it, and the outcome on paper or electronically. For certain courses we share that information with the RYA and other certificating bodies so they can register and award you your qualifications. We have no control over what they do with that data.

If you came to us as a helper with a school course or similar then we will record that and any qualifications you presented to us indefinitely (typically until we think it unlikely you will be back). This information may be shared with RYA, AALS and other inspecting bodies.

Thirdly is information about you and your health, including allergy information. If you are adult then this may be held for a minimum of three years and then destroyed, except that if you keep coming back (and we love you to) it may be held until three years after your last visit. If you are a child, then we are required to hold that information until you have reached the age of 21.

If you require medical treatment here then the relevant information you have given us will be shared with any medical and paramedical persons who are treating you.

If you are indeed unfortunate enough to be injured whilst you are here, the information in the (paper) accident report will be held indefinitely and may be shared with the HSE, RYA and other inspecting bodies.

Your rights

You have a right to inspect any identifiable information we hold on you, and to add comments if you believe it is wrong. However as data is held to meet legal, insurance, and other legitimate interests of the company, you do not have the right to have it deleted.

Any questions you still have we will be happy to answer. Email